Thursday, May 22, 2008

A solar ship design by team Sylvestra Connora


Anonymous said...

Wow! first of all how many solar panels are you planning on using? How thick will the glass be?¿ do you think it might break?¿ How large is the boat? where is the plimsoll line? how many people will fit in the boat? Is there diffrent levels underneath? or is that just dead weight?

Anonymous said...

Why the windows. Seems an unnecisary danger to trust glass when they are underwater anyways and at a high level in the water meaning you wont even be able to watch the fishies :(

Anonymous said...

also the glass would have to be massively thick to deal with the water pressure.

Anonymous said...

THsi is a high class ship built for luxury for your information. The wondows are so that the people can see the under water life wile we are traveling the windows are made of bullit proof so saftey is not issue. We have not yet decided how many people are on each boat but i suspect we will send 10-15 to Kingston Upon hull plus the ships are only for those who are high class the rest of the people have to fend for themselves!!!

Anonymous said...

i c, might i suggest a spell check... however i think that you have an will do for the rich heres my question as i already pointed out there is no sea life until a couple thousand feet below the sea, however your welcome to look at the water for a couple of days

Anonymous said...

Absolutly I think looking at water would calm the desperate evacuees!

Anonymous said...

Might i point out that for one hundred wats (and average lightbulb) it will cost you over one thousand dollars and weigh about 9 kilograms thats about 20 pounds :S heres my resource for my information...

Anonymous said...

We are in the future buddy!!!

Anonymous said...

does that really matter though? do you think that in 42 years the cost of lightbulbs will reduce that drastically? or the weight of those lightbulbs? "the ships are only for those who are high-class the rest of the people have to fend for themselves" do you really think that the government will want to fund you for your 7 ships that will cost millions of dollars, if they aren't even going to help a lot of people? Even so, the so-called "High Class People" are the people who could afford to evacuate themselves. the lower class people are the people who need rescuing most.