Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sir Dr Maxwell Edison introduces himself

Sir Dr.Maxwell Edison was born in Nashville Tennessee in 2024, in the basement of the Country Music Hall of Fame‎ as the son of Billy Ray Cyrus. Spending most of his life in the shadow of his sister Miley Ray. He spent most of his days writing music for Clasiffied, Kanye, and 50-Cent but at the ripe age of 8 decided to be a Scientist. He then travelled to become a student at the University of Oslo and graduate with the highest mark achievable, a 105.6572% after he found a flaw in math that made this mark possible.
He then went on to the Humbolt University of Berlin to achieve his masters in every course available. He then persued several PHD’s in Britain, and because of all of his great achievements was nighted by the Queen immediately after becoming a British Citizen.
Unfortuanetly young Sir Dr.Maxwell soon bored with his simple achievements and decided to become a Modern Lyrical Tap Break-dancer with his “Homeskillet” Dr. Elanore Rigby. They then persued a musical/dance career and had a One-hit wonder a song called “Bad mama-jama” ft. Sgt. Rockey Pepper. Recorded in the washroom of his hotel room on Abbey Road.
Sir Maxwell then returned to the Queens House and decided to take part in world issues such as the Evacuation of Al Faw Iraq when Al Faw was 20 Metres under water.

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