Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Meet Team Honolulu's Dr Rigby

Dr. Eleanor Rigby is Team Honolulu’s physicist. She was born in Sterling, Scotland in 2024 and is the youngest of four daughters. Her parents sent her to the Texas Military Academy at the age of ten, where she spent eight years until she was eventually expelled for exploding the obstacle course using only and chipmunk and some antifreeze. At the age of 19 she went to study literature in London, England and pursue her dream of becoming a paperback writer. After one year of education she transferred to Oxford University to study physics. After achieving her PHD at the age of 22 (the shortest time ever to achieve it) she went back to Oxford and continued her literature major.
In London she met Sir Dr. Maxwell Edison and they formed a short lived modern, lyrical and tap break-dance group and then a short lived music career with the help of Sergeant Rocky Pepper. Now Dr. Rigby lives in Edinburgh, Scotland with her two dogs Jude and Lucy who both only eat fish and finger pies. Her cottage is in Cornwall with right next to her oldest sister Lizzie’s docking station for Lizzie’s yellow submarine. Her two other sisters Anna and Sadie live together in London where they own a pie shop called Penny Lane Pies, famous for their honey pies.
Dr. Rigby has her PHD in physics and Masters in literature and is now starting to work on a project to evacuate people from Honolulu because of the rising sea level and the possible floods. Her interest in this project was caused by her sister Lizzie telling her that when she traveled in her submarine she docked in Honolulu and was shocked to find the level of water had raised so much. Dr. Eleanor Rigby realized that something had to be done and she met up with her former musical partners and created Team Honolulu, whose mission is to evacuate the people of Honolulu and take them to higher ground.

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